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What Carol said..

Discussion in 'Episode 608 - Start To Finish' started by ChrisQ, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. Jama

    Jama Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I think it's safe to assume that if Carol could time travel, she'd go back just to kill Ed and then herself for being so weak. Oh... wait.... To avoid the time paradox thing where she dies if she kills her past self, she would just kidnap her past self and then bring that 'Carol' back with her to 5 minutes earlier and then kill "5-minutes later CAROL", so technically, past Carol is still alive which means that "current Carol" still lives. Wow! I am a genius!
  2. Lori Grimes

    Lori Grimes Active Member

    Mar 12, 2013
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    I don't care what Carol said, Morgan's an idiot. haha
  3. 8307c4

    8307c4 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Her line did look contrived, I thought it was bad acting first but then the fault might have been that it was badly written script... Like she had to say it because that's what the script told her to say, but it got to her on a personal and emotional level, as a human being Melissa McBride struggled delivering that line.
    That's how I saw it, these are actors and actresses, taken from their perspective... An actor or an actress simply reads script, memorizes it, and then does their utmost best delivering when the time comes.
    Emotion and making it believable works best when an actor or actress can totally place themselves inside the role of the character they are portraying. In this case I think she stumbled, the line was so grossly self-contradictory, it was such a stupid nonsense thing to say that she couldn't quite get herself to say it straight.
    But she did her job best she could, and for that I admire her.

    My opinion on the matter.
    #23 8307c4, Dec 3, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
  4. Luki

    Luki Member

    Nov 8, 2015
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    In her eyes, they'd be two lives lost to prevent an even greater calamity.

    This whole disaster with the walkers could have been prevented had Morgan killed those wolves that ambushed Rick later on. How many people died [ and will die] because of that mistake?

    I fully agree with her, I would never take second chances with bloodthirsty scum like those Wolves.

    Morgan is a broken man holding onto a philosophy that another broken man found to keep himself sane. They take it to delusional extremes... anything in excess is bad for you. Things are not so black and white as they wish them to be.

    Morgan seems afraid of himself , afraid that if he lets himself deviate from this newfound ideal even in the slightest - he'll lapse back into his madman persona. Do you see how distraught he looks when anyone suggest he tone his philosophy down a bit? There is something very wrong there - he's not desperately holding onto these ideas solely out of the goodness of his heart - he's stubborn about it because he's afraid.
    #24 Luki, Dec 5, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  5. Berry

    Berry Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Before Carol even finds out Morgan has a prisoner, she (and Rick, and Michonne) already know that it was Morgan's inaction that resulted in the herd outside the walls. Then she knows he has a prisoner, and then the herd is inside the walls. Then she confirms who that prisoner is (and I doubt it was much of a surprise).

    Carol's mind, as groggy as it may be, is still aware that Morgan's actions were causing people outside to die, even as she was inside looking at this Wolf. Many people say she should "look at the big picture", "handle the herd, then worry about Morgan", etc.

    Carol is seeing red, she's so angry that she's not in a frame of mind to be battling Walkers along-side Morgan.

    There are a thousand Walkers outside their door, she knows she's not going anywhere right away. Carol has enough experience with Walkers that she's not afraid of them, cautious, but not afraid. She is afraid of the Wolf and Morgan.

    Oh Carol, why didn't you just pull out your gun? The sound of a couple gunshots might not have done anything too horrible.

    Denise, what a pitiful thing you are! You could have helped Carol with Morgan, you could have helped keep the Wolf from getting free (grab Morgan's stick and whack him with it).. instead you just stand there, apparently taking the Wolf's side!
  6. deadcpa

    deadcpa Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    The ones that kill are morgan (his stupidity allows it) and the wolf (again a idiot). Maybe morgan and the wolf should start their own group.
  7. mummyman

    mummyman Member

    May 27, 2013
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    you are an idiot
  8. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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