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What the F did Negan mean?

Discussion in 'Episode 701 - The Day Will Come When You Won't Be' started by Lupey, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I don't think so. He's trying to completely break Rick and make his own group seem unstoppable. I don't think he would chose that time to mock and undermine the power of one of his own top men in front of Rick.
  2. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    I noticed some of them had their arms across their chests. That is a sign of not letting in or protection.
    I don't think ALL of the saviors are on board, with Negan.
  3. evabaste

    evabaste New Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Absolutely! U said it! I luvvv Negan and would certainly let him come near me with his bat anytime, but I do think he's got a gay thing going with all this trying to break Rick. What's all that talk about a pill hard to swallow, but swallow you will..? Maybe he's just going to try Daryl in more than one way...
    I'm new in this forum, do not intend to offend anyone though ;-)
  4. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    That's impossible. ;)

    Welcome to the forum!
  5. Dnae

    Dnae Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    I often find myself just staring at your avi these days and I just thought you should know that each time my heart breaks a wee bit more.

    Seriously, that moment when Abe shows her the peace sign and she lets out that pained "whimper"....crushes me over and over again. I just love Sasha so damn much.
  6. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Ugh, I think I let out a little whimper right along with her when I saw it. I am so glad I caught it on the original viewing. It's much more powerful when you see it and don't expect it or know it's going to happen. :(

    And yeah, I don't know what my problem was in season 3 and 4. Was NOT a Sasha fan at ALL back then. Couldn't stand her. Now I adore her. Same with Tara.
  7. Dnae

    Dnae Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    I knew Sasha was my girl crush the moment she was standing atop that truck at Woodbury and was out shooting Tyreese. I just knew from the get go that I was going to like her character. And then in season 4 where she was really able to start flexing her leadership qualities. And I even was able to cope with her grief and anger in season 5 because as an actress she was so damn convincing. Okay, might have to add a "not enough Sasha" line to my sig.
  8. PepperAnn

    PepperAnn Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    I never quite understood why her grief and PTSD annoyed so many people. I thought it was really well done and like you said, she delivered it beautifully.
  9. batongal

    batongal Active Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    OK we will disagree but just to put it in perspective Negan spent 50 min of the show emasculating Rick. Rick finally breaks his 'I'm gonna kill you' gaze and becomes the sniveling, snot blowing, pleading, crybaby that Negan wanted to see but it's not enough for Negan. He throws one last shot in for good measure. "he's got guts, he's not a little bitch like someone I know". If you don't think after 50 min of psychological & physical torture that it's meant for Rick than I'd say the writers missed their mark by a long shot. just sayin'
    #29 batongal, Oct 31, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016

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