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What We Become- Re-read Discussion

Discussion in 'Volume 10: What We Become' started by Tony Davis, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Tony Davis

    Tony Davis Administrator
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    May 4, 2013
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  2. legendx66

    legendx66 Moderator
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    Nov 10, 2012
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    Sorry to have been so absent from these lately.

    Some of you know this but volume 9-11 is my favorite part of the entire series so far except perhaps the saviors arc so I was looking forward to this.

    I love how the deaths just wash over everyone. They barely even mention them. I already miss comic Abe. :( I hope Euge and Rosita live a good long while now. I Euge has changed so much. Very little is likeable about him here.
  3. Tony Davis

    Tony Davis Administrator
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    May 4, 2013
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    This was a big Abe volume, and hopefully we get versions of the parts he had this year in the show
  4. legendx66

    legendx66 Moderator
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    Nov 10, 2012
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    I'm hoping his past is revealed in an interesting way. I know Cudlits said his past hasn't changed much so maybe post terminus we could see a talk with Rick.
  5. Z-Man

    Z-Man Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    We have already gotten a few hints of this. I got all fanboy giggly when Rosita off-handedly mentioned other group members, and the visible tension that resulted from that. It may have slipped by someone who does not know Abe's story, but to me it was elegant foreshadowing of the tale Abe must tell. As I read through this volume, I am hopeful they can pull off at least some of this in the coming season, as this is where we are now in the show. This was the Volume I was looking towards the most with this Re-reading game for that very reason.

    Is this where we will be by the end of Season 5? Will they manage to bring Morgan in again? This would be the perfect time to do it; They need more guns, and supplies, and who else does anyone know who may have any of that now? Going on what Gimple has done thus far, I hope to see more aligning with the books going forward for the time being.

    Also would like to see Rick and Abe be at odds with each other like this in the show. Two alphas, butting heads in a dangerous manner. If nothing else happens there, I want to see:

    Abe: "if you ever point a gun at me again, I will kill you."

    Rick: " if you ever do something that requires me to put my gun to your head, I won't hesitate to shoot." <~Paraphrased, not directly quoted.

    This must be there somewhere. No excuses for leaving this golden moment out.

    And the MEGA HERD!!!!! Loved this volume as far as evolution goes, and I hope season 5 does the same thing.
  6. legendx66

    legendx66 Moderator
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    Nov 10, 2012
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    I believe I read a quote by Gimple saying Rick and Abe would probably get along in the beginning but once Terminus is gone they could start to butt heads.

    I don't remember if ti was ever clear Rosita was present when Abe did his thing. I thought she came later though I think he probably told her.
  7. Z-Man

    Z-Man Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Then i'll be a happy man indeed. I loved Abe more for being a second alpha than right hand. If Rick were to die, it would have been Abe to take over. It was the only real time anyone truly challenged Rick for authority, and he wasn't all Shane about it. His heart was exposed during the struggle, showing he was not the one-note thug he appeared to be.

    I love Abraham so much... big fella grows on ya, don't he?

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