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Where would you sail your yacht?

Discussion in 'Fear The Walking Dead Season 2' started by TDogResurrected, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    You get to the dock safely with 3 other survivors. You untying your rubber dingy and head for your yacht. After landing on your yacht, your companions stow the rubber boat while you head to the helm. Now what? Where would you go? (For discussion sake your in Los Angeles, on Strands aka your yacht, Abigil. No long term food, reverse osmosis for water, and fuel for approximately 3,000 miles range). Would you try and survive at sea? Head north (cause zombies will freeze)? Head south ("if i'm gonna die, it'll be on a beach" mentality)? Hawaii ("cause that's where the new government was formed in the book "World War Z"")?
  2. BlackLightning

    Feb 17, 2016
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    West. Find an uninhabited island and make a living there.

    My second choice would be north: there will be few people and walkers to worry about.
  3. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    As long as someone unties my rubber dingy, I'd be happy on the moon.
  4. Cbcw76

    Cbcw76 Member

    May 2, 2016
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    "Going north" seems climately regrettable because REI and LandsEnd are probably not shipping winter-gear to Zombie-ZipCodes anymore. Planting seasons are always shorter, too.

    So, if people need to rely on a steady and continuing source of foods, equatorial areas have rainfall, fresh water and eons of edibles (which gets to be important - seed stores are probably not delivering, either).

    The only problem that Northern Climates solve is "lack of disease carrying mosquitoes". Of course, they substitute ticks, instead. Frostbite.

    I'm surprised Hawaii isn't a coveted area - lotsa of good farmlands with eons of edibles. Predictable rainfall. Mild climate. Of course, there's nowhere to run beyond the sea if the place is zombie infested, but draw those critters out to sea with ship's bells or horns - let the tide take them to the Aleutians. Or maybe drop them off near Fukushima. But however many there are, there won't be masses more because travel agencies probably won't book any more Zombie Air or Norwegian Zombie Liner specials. Clear the islands, and croplands, water, temperate weather are available.

    (By the way, I'd have traded the power-yacht for a real sailing vessel first and foremost. Carry enough for a launch MAYBE although oars solve all fuel-requirements.)
    #4 Cbcw76, May 2, 2016
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  5. Zalanii

    Zalanii Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    I'd go north, most of British Columbia is desolate, the mountains keep most of the Eastern zombies and people out, hardly any people or zombies to the north. All you have to worry about is the south, stay clear of Vancouver and you're good.

    Even a few hours north of Vancouver is still very warm, sounds good to me. lose the mountains and then you worry about the hordes from central and south america, the hordes from the north and the hordes from the east.

    Nooooo thanks

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