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Which Animal Would Make the Most Dangerous Zombie?

Discussion in 'Zombie Chatter' started by zombiestop, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. turbo6

    turbo6 Member

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Zombie woodchuck.

    The idea frightens me.
  2. joeyboy

    joeyboy New Member

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Hmm the most obvious are rodents I think (assuming here animals like insects are not compatible with this sort of virus).

    If we're talking bigger animals it depends on how they function tbh, human zombies don't have great co-ordination but obviously can walk without tripping over for the most part and would seem to be able to clamber back up to a standard position from the floor without that much difficulty.

    So could a zombie bird co-ordinate enough to fly? I'd think probably not as it would beat its wings too slowly.

    Would probably say zombie cats might be quite an issue, more mobile than a zombie dog I'd feel even if they only retained a degree of climbing ability and small enough to fit through non-solid barricades.
  3. AtlantaOverrun

    AtlantaOverrun Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2013
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