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Whisperer Behavior

Discussion in 'Episode 916 - The Storm' started by Miamicuse, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. Miamicuse

    Miamicuse Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am still not convinced the whisperers are as big a threat as the show made it out to me.

    They have the element of surprise when blended in within real walkers. Once you know they are doing that their main advantage is no more.

    Here are a few things I have been wondering.

    (1) Alpha showed Daryl a big herd. How many walkers? Let's say 1000. How many whispers blended into that 1000? 10? 50? OK so a herd of walkers coming your way is a threat, just like how Rick and company steered a herd of walkers in past seasons to mount attacks using noise and lure. Any idea how the whisperers "steers" the big herd of walkers? Do they just walk out in front and let the herd follow?

    (2) Do they even steer a herd? Or do they just follow a main herd of walkers and blend in? In that case they have no control where they are going except follow a herd? Just drift aimlessly? They showed the whisperers blended in with the herd, not lead them in front. They also can't talk loud because it would draw the walkers attention and that's why they whisper. So for them to blend in with a walker herd, the whisperers cannot be dispersed all over the herd, since they need to communicate with each other, and they can only whisper to each other. In other words, within a large herd, the whisperers must be in clusters themselves.

    (3) I see they have camps with no walkers around. So they "park" their walkers somewhere while they take a break in their camp? Then when they are ready to move on they go let out the walkers? So their "nomadic" migration is defined by having some valleys and some confined areas where the herd can be lead into and close off while they go back to their camp? In that sense they don't seem too nomadic. Besides as some others have pointed out why would nomads need boundaries? Nomads move around all the time looking for new resources so having a set boundary makes no sense.

    (4) How would a nomadic group like the whisperers deal with a storm like that? Inside their tents? Would have to imagine they have to find better shelters with walls and roofs? What do they do with the huge herd they have with them? Lead them where to park them? Wouldn't those walkers be all frozen by now as I don't think the whisperers would bury them in snow to "keep them from being frozen like Mr. Glass" which defies science.

    (5) To fight them all they need is intel which they have with Lydia. OK so Lydia doesn't want her people killed so just find another whisperer and interrogate. Where they go, how many people, where do they stash their food, weapons, how they control the herds, where are the herds parked while the whisperers go Netflix and Chill? With those intel you can wipe them out easy. You can blend into the herd just like they do.

    (6) Why do the whisperers wear skin masks? To blend in so the herds think they are walkers? Why a mask? Why so complicated? What exactly is it that the walkers rely on to identify someone else as a walker? Rick and company have blended in before with blood and gut smeared on their bodies. So instead of a mask if I make a human skin vest and wear it will that fool the walkers? How about just a piece of walker skin made into an arm band would that work? Shoulder pads? Heck even bananas...anything but a mask. You would think they have done some experimenting over the years?

    (7) An even easier way is to take the pikes which marked the whisperer territory and move the pikes aside and pound them in at a different location. You think the whisperers have GPS and land monuments and markers?

    "Here, we didn't cross over to your territory, the pikes are here we didn't cross the piked lines."

    "Someone moved the pikes!"

    "Who did? Us? No we didn't, did your people do it? Can you prove where the pikes were? Can we see a copy of your survey?"

    A group of nomads, with no walls to hide behind and defend and escape from the elements, who do not have full control of their "army", can have their "army" turned on them at any moment, can infiltrate into their group with skin masks, moves around and have no stable of food supplies (not that I can see and they had to eat worms), not heavily armed, with a leader that kills their own with no good reasons...can't be that difficult to fight against. They are no saviors.
    #1 Miamicuse, Apr 4, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2019
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  2. 92Pony

    92Pony Active Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Whisperers probably have game cameras set up and would catch them moving the pikes.;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. HungryZombie

    HungryZombie Active Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Walking Dead is best enjoyed while refraining from overthinking things too much. Personally I enjoy the silliness of it much like how I enjoyed the A-Team when I was a kid even though the situations in that show were absurd.

    Walking Dead has interesting characters, some good human drama and some really fun situations. Don't try to pull too much reality into it.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Interesting points. Whatever they do, they have their system worked out so they can walk among the dead without being detected. I like to think of Michonne walking with the dead before she found our group. It is possible. I don’t think they’ve given us a good idea as to the exact size of the Whisperer group so we don’t know how far apart they are within the herd but we’ve seen them be able to keep a herd milling around, turn direction etc.

    As for negotiating with them over moved pikes, they don’t strike me as being the negotiating type. I would go so far as to say that this is the first time since becoming a group, with Alpha as their leader, that they’ve ever interacted with any communities like they have with ours, mainly because Lydia was taken. I suspect that using their element of surprise, their usual MO is to wipe out any established group before they know what hit them. Then they move on. I believe Alpha is getting ready to remedy that situation.

    She has no intent to peacefully coexist with anyone. She did what she did to cover the fact that they were moving out of the area. She surmised that using the heads of community members on the pikes would instill enough fear and cause enough grief that our groups would hesitate to cross her “boundaries” to engage with her further, while giving her group a little R&R while they sat out winter in a warmer climate.

    In our favor is that Alpha, to paraphrase Rick, doesn’t know who the f*** she’s dealing with. She should have stayed down south cause I think it’s safe to say it isn’t going to end the way she thinks it will.
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