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Why didnʻt they simply bomb the quarry walkers?

Discussion in 'Episode 601 - First Time Again' started by stealth puzzle, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. stealth puzzle

    stealth puzzle New Member

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Hello all, this is my first post so excuse me if this was already brought up but once Rick and Morgan found the quarry, why didnʻt they simply find the explosives that are obviously near the quarry, and burry all the walkers? Every mining operation has explosives. They could have not only buried every walker, but also kept the quarry there as a walker trap for the other walkers in the area? I get that it doesnʻt make good TV, but with what this group has been through, what theyʻve seen, what theyʻve learned, the obvious choice wouldnʻt be to free walkers, but to control them. They try to control them but what they are doing is not a smart avenue especially considering what theyʻve learned. Anyone else wonder this or am I alone?
  2. Watching Dead

    Watching Dead Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    I wasn't thinking bombing but I was wondering why that at least didn't discuss some way to systematically execute them. Maybe just get a bow and arrow assembly line and thin them out day by day until they get it down to a managable level. It was a perfect trap. Rig up some kind of mechanized zombie blender and Alexandria is so much more safe. The day they found that place they should have bolstered the barricades and then had Eugene come up with a way to efficiently wipe out a mass of zombies stuck in one place.

    I actually don't understand why the group wouldn't employ more pit traps. Make a sound device like the governors people did and every once in a while clear the pit.

    I don't think explosives would have worked to thin that herd they would have needed more black powder or TNT then it was necessary to get the job done, plus no one is a ballistics expert in the group it would be dangerous and unpredictable. They would draw attention for 10's of miles around and also risk caving a wall that would make a ramp for them all to get out.
  3. Sachiko

    Sachiko Active Member

    Nov 1, 2013
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    How do you suppose they find/make a bomb that's good enough to execute a herd like that.
    There could've been another way, maybe. But the arrows idea would waste a lot of arrows, and honestly, no one has 50,000 arrows lmao
    I think the risks would also be really big had they manually executed them. And a lot of work. And time...
    Besides, with the truck eventually pushed down, it wouldn't have mattered.
  4. Lupey

    Lupey Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Home made napalm would have done the trick but with the truck sliding off they really didn't have a chance to do anything.
  5. Berry

    Berry Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Ice bullets
  6. stealth puzzle

    stealth puzzle New Member

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I apologize, I thought I said that there should have been explosives on site like there are in every mining operation. All they really needed to do is use some rope to drop a couple radios down the side of the quarry, lure the walkers to the back end corner and boom, all the walkers are buried under tons of rubble and any survivors would have easily been picked off by sniper rifle. It could be a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone (well lots of stone lol) since Alexandrians need to learn how to shoot anyway. I thought it was funny when I saw a drill bore not he back of one of the tractors when Glen and company had to take out the walkers. I guess in the end, I think they really screwed up by not looking into alternative methods and now probably arenʻt going to be able to save Alexandria now either. I hope they can but itʻs not looking good unfortunately.
  7. BatmansHooker

    BatmansHooker Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    With the government collapsed, surely it can't be too difficult for them to get their hands on a nuke or two, right? I don't know why they don't just do that. It seems foolproof to me.
  8. stealth puzzle

    stealth puzzle New Member

    Oct 19, 2015
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    That is pretty funny but I think you know what I mean. They had the perfect walker trap and instead of coming up with a well thought out plan, they took possibly the worst route possible. Maybe this comes from a democratic system that is already far to bureaucratic already? Maybe this comes from being used to good gone bad scenarios theyʻve experienced so they feel rushed? Whatever the issue, the group was brought to Alexandria to help keep it safe and give their group a place to live that truly is a community and they may feel the pressure of that as well--maybe the "earn their keep" complex is more prevalent than we think.

    Obv when it comes to the nukes, again, I think you were joking but Atomic Bombʻs are so hard to launch to even begin to start describing the true process (yes I have a working knowledge of them and the process and I have an active TS/SCI clearance). You need codes, multiple personnel, a great bit of personnel to set one into motion. All I was saying is that this town has been spared because of the quarry (and walls obv--but mostly the quarry) so that should be an obvious safety measure to keep in place to control the walker population.

    All they had to do was ensure the communities survival. The best way to do that was destroying walkers already established in the quarry.. Fortifying or even obliterating the exit of the quarry would have in itself been a great strategy... Then continuing to draw walkers from elsewhere into the quarry in which there is absolutely no escape would put them at a huge advantage for survival. After burying the others they could continue to bait walkers in from all over with noise and then kill them in any which way is feasible, and continue to do so until they no longer can.

    I get that my scenario doesnʻt ensure good TV, but if it were real, all of the things I brought up would have ensured the survivability that the group has been looking for, for a long time. I canʻt wait to see the Walkers tear apart Alexandria and harm the residents who have been sheltered for far too long while Rick and the crew take few survivors with them. After all thatʻs whatʻs going to make good TV, right?

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