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Will Carol commit suicide ?

Discussion in 'Episode 613 - The Same Boat' started by Shonen, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Spidey

    Spidey Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    I don't think so. While she has regrets and is having a small crisis, most of what it seems like she went through was an act. She isn't at the point of instability, just a lot of reflection.
  2. Billy Pilgrim

    Billy Pilgrim Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Same number of cigarette butts as people she's killed? Then she discards the pack to say 'no more'. The crucifix indicates she won't kill to save her friends anymore, but she will die to save them. Morgan seemed to understand where she was at.
  3. DarylFTW

    DarylFTW Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I get the feeling that after everything that's happened. And she knows that when you let people go that you probably should have killed, bad things happen. I just get the feeling that she would commit suicide. But she is holding a rosary. The Catholic religion does not condone suicide. So I'm really stuck on the fence about this one.

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