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WTF Henry

Discussion in 'Episode 813 - Do Not Send Us Astray' started by HonestAbe, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. HonestAbe

    HonestAbe Active Member

    Apr 7, 2016
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    So Henry gave away some of the Hilltop’s leverage... Knew he was going to do something stupid... like Carl when he was a little kid, no one is keeping an eye on this kid? There were like 5 people in the baby’s room, but no one was paying attention to the blood thirsty 12 year old? Carol, Zeke and Morgan all know of his intentions and that he has killed before (especially Carol and Morgan)... where was the supervision of this kid?

    And while we’re on the topic, where was the supervision over the entire community? Walkers were inside and outside but no one heard them snarling around?
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  2. Rapscallion

    Rapscallion Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Honestly, Jared should've killed Henry after he knocked him down and took his rifle. Then everyone could share the blame of failing to watch yet another child in the walker apocalypse.
  3. Weallgotit

    Weallgotit Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I blame the adults too. I was thinking how is he out there at that hour with no adult finding out where he is. And why was there no adult watching the prisoners? I thought they had guards out there at night. That would have prevented Henry's little stunt.

    And damn that had to be some good and deep sleep those people were in. A walker falls down the staircase and no one in that room heard that? Please.
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  4. NakedCity

    NakedCity Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    Ahahahah, I was basically typing everything you just posted Weallgotit! Yeah, they try real hard to present some of these characters as leaders, but none of them's got brains. :)
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  5. Chr1s

    Chr1s Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Seriously, goddamned kids on this show can NOT stay in the friggin house.
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  6. HonestAbe

    HonestAbe Active Member

    Apr 7, 2016
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    Yeah I thought the same exact thing... no one is guarding the pen of prisoners? I would think after that little battle there would be more people on guard duty in the whole complex than the norm... right?
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  7. Reina

    Reina Active Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    I took it as Carol and Morgan were confident that Henry believed he had already finished his brothers killer. They didn't have a reason to think Henry would go all Cujo on anyone. They didn't know he had a gun either.
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  8. blundig

    blundig Member

    Nov 2, 2014
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    I agree with Reina. I have to.
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  9. Jen7

    Jen7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    I did wonder how they stayed asleep with that noise going on lol.
  10. Duce000

    Duce000 Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    I understood how Henry could sneak out at night without being seen by ppl inside. I didn’t understand how no one is guarding the prisoners.

    I also didn’t understand how none of them heard the walkers.
  11. NakedCity

    NakedCity Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    Nah, they thought "Job well done getting the maniacs to flee, we all deserve a good night sleep!"

  12. NakedCity

    NakedCity Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    They didn't exactly make sure he wouldn't have a gun either. And even without a reason to think Henry would do anything, they still just told the Saviors they had 18 prisoners and were willing to kill them, but then just let them alone in the night (those same Saviors could have decide to come back for them, or those threatened prisoners could have tried something to stay alive and escape from the crazy "widow"). Nah...

    Still, it was a fun episode. I don't even expect things to make much sense anymore.
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  13. Blueman

    Blueman Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I do not understand why the first few people got bitten did not yell, not just to alert others but as a basic human reflex.
    And I do not know how the front door to the main house is wide opened?

    About no guarding of the prisoners...maybe the guard was the guy who went to Tobin's trailer?

    And Henry...., I think the writers deliberately wrote him to be stupid so that the gate could be opened for the prisoners to escape. All these is to make the point that some of the prisoners (is his name Alten?) did not try to escape with Jared.
    #13 Blueman, Mar 26, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  14. Reina

    Reina Active Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    There was so much going on at the time and I would imagine it's hard to keep watch on a boy that age. He doesn't seem to have anyone that really takes to him and teaches him other than Ezekial. It should have crossed their mind he was very much capable since he shish kabobed Gavin.

    Lol, I know. I feel certain I could get out of that makeshift prison. There's really only a few that were opposed. I mean, none wanted to be held prisoner, but they were being taken care of and were told the plan going forward. I don't think they thought they were a flight risk. Where was Kal anyway? Still, you should have more than one guard to 18 prisoners.

    It wasn't my favorite episode, but it was good. I didn't pay attention to certain parts. I always do this and have to watch the encore.
  15. ctx1769

    ctx1769 Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Did they find Henry?
  16. jiggeryqua

    jiggeryqua Active Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    I think Jared has him. 'Surrender or we kill the kid' - more likely to work than Maggie's threat to shoot the Saviours.

    I wondered about the open front door when Tobin and his herd arrived, but that would have been Henry I guess, leaving it open. I did notice Rick carelessly discard the gun that Henry found later, but when/where did he get the key? Probably the most important key in the place, which ought to have been in Maggie's pocket. However he got it, I struggle to accept he was dumb enough to open the gate. Confident enough, possibly - he's got himself a gun, but like the doctor said, he doesn't know enough and that's dangerous.

    Towards the end of the walker threat, Maggie shot a guy who was sat on an elevated platform - I assumed he was on guard but succumbed to injury.
  17. tink

    tink Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2013
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    This was when the whole thing started to go wonky for me.

    No one watching the kids, guns right out there for anyone to take, no one guarding the prisoners, sleeping with the doors wide open...

    You'd think they had nothing to worry about. No guards, no light sleepers. The one walker fell down the whole flight of steps, thumping and snarling all the way down, and no one even stirred?

    Why do the writers insist on treating the audience like idiots just to move a plot point along?
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  18. jiggeryqua

    jiggeryqua Active Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Nobody watches most kids most nights. Henry wouldn't be the first kid to feign sleep and sneak out, nor is there any reason obvious to our characters for anyone to watch out for him.

    One gun - carelessly discarded by Rick. It was empty, I think, though whether Henry knew that I can't say. Later, no one took particular responsibility for it. But all their guns would be around, and readily accessible in case of renewed attack. Still no obvious reason to plan for what turned out to happen.

    The one guy on the platform was guarding the prisoners, I think - Maggie shot him at the end of the kerfuffle. I'm supposing he got a minor wound, unaware of infection and not inclined to trouble their over-extended medical staff with it...then died and turned in the night,

    Henry left the door open, I reckon - though I did convince myself it was primitive aircon when I first saw it.

    They'd seen off the enemy, enough time had passed that they didn't expect another attack, everyone needs rest - so, skeleton guard (the one chap on the platform, maybe more, but they're not expecting walkers inside) and everyone else gets their heads down.

    But yeah, when he started to fall down the stairs I breathed a sigh of relief,,,now they'll wake up. I guess days of low rations, hard work and escalating anxiety, in an overcrowded situation where you have to get used to ignoring stray noises if they're not screams or gunshots, ending with a night fight when you've been up all day...all that would make a body sleep soundly. Might have been nice to see one dude roll over mumbling 'shuddupalready', but sometimes you have to fill in the blanks for yourself.

    Not sure they did, as I've said. Some of their audience are idiots, I'll give you that, but there's no reason to cater to them. I'm still feeling like a bit of an idiot, to be fair, because I can't see where Henry got the key or why it occurred to him to use it. I accept his need for revenge, and the over confidence of having a big grown-up gun, but even having the key, let alone using it, stretches my credulity.
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  19. Marc

    Marc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    The biggest thing was that NON of the people feeling like they catched the flu said anything. Like, wtf, aren't this in the Rick Hobo Commando Handbook On How To Survive The Walker Post-Apocalypse by now?
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  20. 8307c4

    8307c4 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Not like Henry's the first one, more like just another in a long line of kids who didn't listen. As for all you folks acting like it's all someone else's fault, f that, the kid was told several times what not to do and still made the choice to be disobedient. Far as I'm concerned the kid needs to be disciplined at this stage, not really sure what kind of a punishment would be appropriate, considering...
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