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Y the last man

Discussion in 'Comic Books' started by Deadpoolsbffbob, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Deadpoolsbffbob

    Deadpoolsbffbob New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Once upon a time there was a walking dead fan. He read all the comics and didn't have anything better to do. One day he decided to read the 2003 comic book Y the last man. He couldn't sleep that night and read every issue within 2 days.

    I liked the series and it is begging for a TV adaptation. No I'm changing that it deserves a TV adaptation.

    its completely mind boggling that the comic is not a TV show. But of course not many networks would want to because the mainstream media doesn't respect comics, unless they make billion dollar movies. Books get adapted to TV and movies all the time, and all mainstream media should give comics a chance. I mean if the graphic novel Watchmen is in the top 100 books to read of all time, right up there next to F.Scott Fitzgerald, then there must be a good reason for decades now nerdy media has spent quarters, pennies, and 100 dollar bills to read a simple handful of them.

    Rant over.

    What im saying is this. Y the last man has mystery, drama, love, a ton of action, and a compelling story. If you don't qualify a comic, with all that, a book then your missing out, sucks if your missing out.
  2. Skullberry

    Skullberry Member

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Welcome to the wonderful world of comics. There are some great titles out there. Buncha crap, to. Back when "Y the last man" was still in print, Shia Laboof (or however the hell you spell it) was slated to play Yorick. He would have been perfect back when he was a bit younger....and not insane. (JUST DO IT!!!!!)

    I would also strongly suggest "Invincible". It's another title by Kirkman. Super hero stuff this time. It's not your typical super hero stuff. The title takes a big twist and a hard R rated turn about 6 issues in. very cool. Why that's not a movie or a show yet I have no idea.

    "Strangers in Paradise" is probably my favorite comic of all time. A simple description of the title can never do it justice, but I'll try. It's about the adventures of these two women who have been BFF's since high school. Their antics get them involved with organized crime, lesbian assassin prostitutes and pig out nights watching Xena. If your gonna try it at least get through 10 issues. Well worth your time.

    What list of the best comics ever would be complete without "Preacher"? The story of a Texas preacher (Jesse), imbued with the power of the word of God, who embarks on a journey across america looking for God himself who has abandoned heaven and his earthly creations. He is accompanied by Tulip his ex girlfriend who is an ex hooker/assassin and best friend Cassidy. Cassidy is of course a 200 year old Irish vampire.

    All hail the Saint of Killers.

    #2 Skullberry, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015

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